Online Buton Yapma Kodu

No signup needed. |
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No design skill required. |



All templates are made with these generators.
Millions of possibilities.
Menus :
Basic Flash Menu
Easy to use flash menu generator with all the essential features. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus. |
Drop Down Flash Menu
Advanced Flash menu generator with animated sub menus. Many layout options. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus. |
Expandable Flash Menu
A dynamic menu that opens an expandable sub menu when a button is clicked. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. |
Icon Wave Menu
A macOS like menu made of icon buttons. Up to 10 buttons, each button can be customized. |
Rainbow Menu
A horizontal grey menu generator with animated button descriptions. Number of buttons is fixed to 7. |
Scale Menu
A menu generator with buttons that will resize dynamically with mouse movement. Vertical menu only. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. |
Texts :
3D Rotating Text
3D spinning text, you can link it to a webpage and adjust font, colors, size, speed, etc. |
Animated Text
This generator will create an animated text header for your website. |
Neon Text
Animated blinking neon text effect with icon. |
Scrolling Text Marquee
A horizontal scrolling text effect that you can use for your website news, or important announcements. |
Banners :
Buttons :
Big Flashing Button
A big flashing button generator, that can be used to prompt your visitors for action or any other purposes you can think of. |
Widgets :
Numeric Clock
A simple numeric clock with text effects and am-pm or 24 hours mode. |
Skinnable Google Search Box
Want your own search engine ? Bring the power of Google search to your site. Create a customized search box that easily adds site search to your site. Many skins to choose from. |

 19 Jun, 2008 |
New item called Surface Ripples added to Animated Text Effects. |
 17 Jun, 2008 |
New item called Bouncing Particles added to Animated Text Effects. |
 16 Jun, 2008 |
New item called Master Chief added to Skins. |
 15 Jun, 2008 |
New item called NeoGeniX added to Skins. |
 10 Jun, 2008 |
New item called Push Pin added to Simple Icons. |
 09 Jun, 2008 |
New item called InviPro added to Skins. |
 05 Jun, 2008 |
New item called Orb added to Icon Buttons. |
 26 May, 2008 |
New item called Enviro added to Skins. |
 20 May, 2008 |
New item called Lightning added to Simple Icons. |
 09 May, 2008 |
FlashVortex news are now available as a RSS feed. |
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